

MIX LTD. ensures its users/clients the confidentiality of any provided information and personal data. The latter will not be used, provided or brought to knowledge of third parties outside the cases and under the conditions set out in these Terms and Conditions. MIX LTD. protects the personal data of the user/client, this obligation shall cease if the customer has provided incorrect data. MIX LTD. may use the personal data of the Customer solely for the purposes specified in the contract. Any other cases in which the data is used, it will be in accordance with the Bulgarian legislation, the applicable international instruments, internet ethics, morality and decency.

MIX LTD. undertakes not to disclose any personal customer data to third parties - government bodies, companies, individuals and others, unless it has received a written consent from the Client, the information is required by government bodies or officials, authorized to collect such information according to current legislation. MIX LTD. is obliged to provide the information under the law.